{We|I actually|My spouse and i} just went to my {cellular phone|cellphone} carrier because {We were|I actually was|My spouse and i was} having difficulties with my phone. I {visited|attended|traveled to} the store to explore options to either fix my {cellular phone|cellphone} or get a new one. {Before|Prior to} I left the store, the associate asked {me personally|myself} if I {desired to|wished to|planned to} explore whether my plan {suits|matches|meets} my needs. Of course {I had been|I used to be} starting to run low {promptly|punctually|in time} and {We|I actually|My spouse and i} assumed that having recently been going to try to upsell me on a plan that I {did not|failed to|don't} want. However, I {made the decision|determined|made a decision} {to provide|to offer} him some time and {describe|make clear} my options. I am glad that I did, as they saved me $25 {each month|monthly|a month}.
I learned that my {cellular phone|cellphone} carrier had {lately|just lately} changed the plans to provide more savings {for folks} who aren't under {agreement|deal}. {People that|Folks who|Individuals that} aren't under {agreement|deal} {don’t have|might not have|you don't have} a new {telephone|mobile phone|cellphone} that {has been|will be} subsidized by the carrier, therefore, the carrier {chose to|made a decision to|chosen to} reduce the monthly cost and {complete|move|go} the savings along. {Simply|Merely|Only} by spending a few minutes of my time with the associate, {We were|I actually was|My spouse and i was} able to secure a $25 reduction to my {cellular phone|cellphone} bill. {Once i|When i} secured this reduction {We|I actually|My spouse and i} started to wonder, "how long I had recently been paying the higher {expenses|costs|invoice} when I could have been saving money? {inch|inches}
Many times we {collection|place|set in place} our plans and {neglect|ignore}. Consequently, we need to periodically check with our carriers to see what new deals are available to us or if our plan makes sense according to your {usage|intake|ingestion}. For example, is your plan appropriate for your usage? Are you paying for more than you use, or you {do you really|will you} go over every month? Also, {often|often times|frequently} the best deals are {for brand spanking new|achievable} customers, so I encourage one to do your research and be prepared to avoid your current {supplier|service provider|company}. However, {you|do not|need not} afraid to leverage your loyalty with the provider to see what you can get. Companies know that {it can|is actually|really} cheaper to {a person|keep}!
This kind of week, in addition to reviewing your {cellular phone|cellphone} plan, {have a look at|look into} all of your reoccurring payments and give us a call at the provider to ask if there are {programs|strategies|ideas} {that may|that can} better fit your need or if there are current specials that they could apply to your account. Make use of this time to being proactive about heading after your savings. {Make sure to|Make sure you|Be sure you} leave a comment to leave me know how you did!
» The Voice Cambodia -06 March 2016
Tuesday, March 8, 2016